Tuesday, December 11, 2012

I think I can, I think I can

I must be crazy! Not only is that a statement, its an affirmation.  I have done nothing but think about running...but I haven't actually been on a run in 6 days. I actually did go on that run last Wednesday night. It was a treadmill run, at the gym with all 3 kids in the gym daycare, but I did it.  3 miles in 30 minutes...not the greatest but I'll take it. Treadmill running is the pits but I felt awesome! I was so proud of myself.  I actually followed through with what I set out to do that morning. If I don't complete my daily tasks by 1:30 in the afternoon, it will never be done for that day. So a little pat on my own back that time. But it was all down hill from there.
Thursday passed and nothing. I thought about a run (that counts, right?).  But it didn't happen. Then Friday comes along. Now THIS day had promise. I could get the kids to school, go to the gym, go help out at the kids school, take the kids for check-ups and have a total "I rocked this mom thing" kind of day. I dropped of the kids-check, got to the gym-check...bootcamp! I was 10 minutes late to the class but I jumped right in. And then it happened. I stepped off of the stepper, turned to go to my next station, and fell to the floor. Really?!?! What just happened?? As I turned to walk away, my ankle rolled right under and my entire body fell to the ground. OUCH! I immediately got ice on it and sat down. I was so mad at myself. Who tries to do a bootcamp class when you are supposed to be training for a big run?! I have a huge goal ahead of me and I am going to ruin it by injuring my ankle on a stepper?? No way, not this girl! I stretched it and iced it for 2 days. But I also took pity on myself and ate my face off! Ice cream, pizza, candy, cheese. You name it, I ate it. Luckily, writing this blog (and my husband) knock some sense into me. Once I started to think about what I wanted to write about, my entire mood changed. Once the words were on this screen, I realized that I need to just do it. As for my husband, he told me to suck it up. My ankle is fine and I need to just run. So tomorrow morning is it. I set me alarm clock for 5:30 am. I laid my running clothes out, and I am going to just run.
I mentally beat myself up for the past 6 days and nothing has come of it. As of this moment, I vow not to be a headcase and to just go with the daily flow. Whether it is a day I get to run and make great healthy choices or a day I have no time to run and eat in the car, I will let it go. Tomorrow is another day. I will get to run and train for the Princess Half Marathon, and it will be great!
To all of those who are losing hope and beating themselves up (like me), having bad days is OK. The good ones will eventually out weigh the bad ones. We are all allowed to have bad days, as long as we know we can turn things around and make them great days.

Suck it up so you don't have to suck it in later ;)

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