Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Here goes nothin!

So, here I am, my first blog post. I decided to write this blog to keep tract of my trials and tribulations of my run training experience. I have decided to run the Disney Princess Half Marathon...again!
 Let me start at the beginning. My name is Alison.  I am a wife of 6 years to my amazing husband Mike, a mom of three beautiful and life fulfilling children (Ethan-5, Amanda-3, and Matthew 5 months) and a self proclaimed runner.  I dabble in yoga, spinning, and weight lifting as well.  I have a wonderful life and wouldn't change a thing. But I seem to set these goals for myself and go through a roller coaster wrapped in a tornado to get to the end.
In 2010 I ran the Princess half with my sister and we had a blast. Fast forward 2 years and I add another little bundle of joy to the family (Matthew) and immediately decide that I NEED to run the Princess again (keep in mind that Matthew was born in June and the race is in February). So I start right back to exercising in August, waiting the six weeks the doctor recommended. After many sleepless night nursing Matthew and fighting monsters under beds and trying to exercise regularly, I fell off the deep end. It took me about 1 month reset, I tried again. I was doing really well. Running every other day, whether it was on the treadmill or outside, I got it done. Never less than 2 miles. I felt good. Then another deep end. Another month reset. Now I am on the upswing again. I have gotten myself through 2 weeks of running 2-3 times a week for 3 miles at a time.
Today though, is not a good day. I woke up and put on my running clothes but have yet to run. I am hoping for an evening run...wish me luck. Until then keep positive, stay motivated, and get some seems to work for me. XO

ps-leave comments good or bad...I'm new at this :)


  1. Thank you for sharing your adventure with us!! I will be looking forward to reading about it. If you wouldn't mind, I would like to link your page to mine. That was I will remember to read it and maybe some other people will jump over too!

    All the best!
    Jessica :)

  2. Well, if it makes you feel any better I slacked off on my running the WHOLE month of November and STILL haven't started training for the half!! :)

    I ran a whole 2 miles today. Tomorrow I'm aiming for slightly more!

    I've GOT to start training for this thing!

    Good luck and looking forward to reading about your journey.

