Tuesday, February 19, 2013

This is it!

This is it! My last post before race day! After all the training, sicknesses, complaining, highs, lows, and everything in between, I made it through.  It has been a roller coaster past few months, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. I have become stronger mentally, physically, and emotionally.

Although I came down with a cold this week :( I'm doing everything in my power to get better...(except for sleeping...Matty is making sure of that). My goal is to hydrate, eat well, sleep, and squeeze in one more short run. Sunday was my last run and it was freezing, in south Florida terms. As I ran, I thought of all the people running the Ft. Lauderdale marathon at the same moment and how cold it was. I really felt for them. My 5 miles had nothing on their 26.2 long, cold, and windy miles. The weather in Orlando for the race is forecasted to be great, 67 for the low and 85 for the high with a 20% chance of rain. This is what I trained in so I should be comfortable. I am so ready to do this!

Thanks for following all of my rants and raves leading up to this. Writing this all down has really made an impact on me. Reading my own thoughts on paper (or computer screen) has made appreciate the journey and all that comes with it. I plan on continuing to blog and will definitely recap the race for you. Until then, keep on truckin :)

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